Soal Structure TOEFL Cliff 5

I understand that the governor is considering a new proposal ___________________.

a.       what would eliminite unnecessary writing in government
b.      who wants to cut down on the amount of writing in government
c.       that would eliminate unnessasy paper work in government
d.      to cause that the amount of papers written in government affices will be reduces

The doctor told his receptionist that he would return ____________________ .

a.       as early as it would be possible
b.      at the earliest that it could be possible
c.       as soon as possible
d.      at the nearest early possibility.

George belongs to the ____________________ .

a.       class of the upper middle
b.      upper middle class
c.       class from the center up
d.      high medium class

 A good student must know ____________________ .

a.       to study hard
b.      to be a good student
c.       how to study effectively
d.      the way of efficiency in study

Jane changed her major from French to business, ____________________ .

a.  with hopes to be able easier to locate employment
b. hopinh she can easier get a job
c.  with the hope for being able to find better a job
d. hoping to find a job more easily

He has received several scholarships ____________________ .

a.  not only because of his artistic but his academic ability
b. for both his academic ability as well as his artistic
c.  because of his academic and artistic ability
d. as resulting of his ability in the art and the academy

Harvey will wash the clothes ____________________ .

a.  iron the shirts, prepare the meal, dusting the furniture
b. ironing the shirts, preparing the meal, and dusting the furniture
c.  iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture
d. to iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture

____________________ that new information to anymore else but the sergeant.

a.       They asked him not to give
b.      They asked him to don’t give
c.       They asked him no give
d.      They asked him to no give

____________________, he would have signed his name in the corner.

a.       if he painted that picture
b.      if he paints that picture
c.       if he had painted that picture
d.      if he would have painted that picture

The doctor insisted that his patient ____________________ .

a.    that he not work too hard for three months
b.    take it easy for three months
c.     taking it easy of three months
d.    to take some vacations for three months

The manager was angry because somebody ____________________ .

a.    had allowed the photographers to enter the building
b.    had let the photographers to enter into the building
c.     permitting the photographer enter the building
d.    the photographers let into the building without the proper documentations

Richard was asked to withdraw from gradute school because ____________________ .

a.       they believed he was not really able to complete research
b.      he was deemed incapable of completing his research
c.       it was decide that he was not capable to complete the research
d.      his ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted

The committee members resented ____________________ .

a.       the president that he did not tell them about the meeting
b.      the president not to inform them of the meeting
c.       the president’s not informing them of the meeting
d.      that the president had failed informing themselves that there was going to be a meeting

____________________ did Arthur realize that there was danger.

a.       upon entering the score
b.      when he enterd the store
c.       after he had entered the store
d.      only after entering the store

The rabbit scurried away in fright ____________________

a.       when it heard the movement in the bushes
b.      the movement among the bushes having been heard
c.       after it was hearing moving inside of the bushes
d.      when he has heard that something moved in the bushes.
