7. Passive Voice dalam interrogative Sentence

1.     Yes/No Question
Syarat :
a.       Terdapat inversion
b.      Jika didalam kalimat stament terdapat pronoun’I, me, my, mine, ...etc’, maka pronoun tersebut dirubah ke dalam bentuk ‘you, your, yours, ... etc’.

2.     Informative Question
a.       Menanyakan Subject
Syarat :
-          Tidak terdapat inversion
-          Verb-nya menggunakan aturan orang ke-3 tunggal.
-          Question word ‘who’ dan ‘what’.
Simple present/simple past
Who/What + is/was + V3 + by + Agent?
e.g. :
                  AV    Arza called my brother up last night
                                  Who called my brother up last night?
                  PV    My brother called up by Arza last night
                                  Who was called by Arza last night?
Selain simple present /simple past
Who/What + auxiliary + be + V3 + by + Agent?
e.g. :
                  AV    A diligent girl has read a npvel for an hour.
                                  Who has read a novel for an hour?
                  PV    A novel has been read by a diligent girl for an hour.
                                  Who has been read by diligent girl for am hour?

b.      Menanyakan verb
Syarat :
-          Tidak terdapat inversion
-          Subject (Passive) dihilangkan
-          Verb-nya menggunakan aturan orang ke-3 tunggal.
-          Question word → ‘what’

c.       Menanyakan selain subject dan verb
Syarat :
-          Terdapat inversion
-          Question word yang digunakan tergantung pada sesuatu yang hendak ditanyakan.
Simple present/simple past
Selain simple present/simp[le past

d.      Menanyakan object of preposition
Syarat :
-          Terdapat inversion
-          Preposition-nya harus disertakan.
-          Question word yang digunakan tergantung pada sesuatu yang hendak ditanyakan.
Simple present/simple past
Selain simple present/simp[le past
