Kinds of question
      A.      YES/NO Question
        Kalimat tanya yang berpola inversi pada verb auxiliary –nya dan membutuhkan jawaban 
        berupa yes atau no. Khusus pada simple present/simple past maka yang di inversi, :
                Jika verbal maka verb auxiliarnya berupa do, does, did
                Jika nominal maka verbnya berupa verb order
        e.g. :
                1. Qisty is thinking of Lely.
                                Is Qisty thinking of Lely?
                2. Amir met Zehan last night.
                                Did Amir met Zehan last night?
                3. Amir is confused.
                                Is Amir confused?
                4. Amir isn’t bad boy.
                                Is Amir not bad boy?

        B.      Information Question
          Kalimat tanya yang memunculkan question word  dan  membutuhkan jawaban berupa 
Menanyakan subject (person)
Menanyakan object (person)
Menanyakan subject dan object (non person)
Menanyakan waktu (time)
Menanyakan tempat (place)
Menanyakan alasan (reason)
Menanyakan pilihan (choice)
Menanyakan kepemilikan (possessive)
Menanyakan cara (manner)

          Kinds of Information Question
1.       Menanyakan subject
a.       Menanyakan subject keseluruhan.
-          Tidak terdapat inversi
-          Verb nya selalu Verb singular
-          Pola :
Question Word + Verb singular + …..?
                                e.g. :
©       Alexandra catches a mouse.
Who catches a mouse?
©       Two handsome boys visit Alexandra.
Who visit Alexandra?
©       The cats eat the fish.
What eat the fish?
©       The woman bought a car.
Who bought a car?
©       They have written many latters.
Who has written many latters?

b.      Menanyakan bagian dari subject.
-          Tidak terdapat inversi.
-          Verb nya mengikuti noun/head – nya.
-          Pola :
Question Word + noun + verb + …?
                                e.g. :                      
                                1. three beautiful girls sing many song.
©       how many beautiful girls sing many songs?
©       Which girl sing many songs?
©       Who sings many song?
2. Her brother buys a hotel.
©       Whose brother buys a hotel?
©       Who boys a hotel?
3. Two boys have done it.
©       How many boys have done it?
©       Who  has done it?
4. A funny cat eats the done.
©       How many funny cats eat the bone?
©       Which cat eats the bone?
©       What eats the bone?

2.       Menanyakan Non-Subject.
a.       Menanyakan verb, object, adverb.
-          Terdapat inversi
-          Verb mengikuti aturan subject.
-          Cara membuat :
©       Rubahlah kalimat kedalam yes/no question.
©       Hilangkan hal yang ditanyakan dan ganti dengan question word yang sesuai.
©       Khusus menanyakan verb à ganti verb dengan keluarga ‘do’ (do,done,doing) dan hilangkan object.
e.g. :
§  she cuts the grass.
·         does she cut the grass?
·         What does she cut?
·         Does she cut the grass?
·         What does she do?
§  The man sitting on the car.
·      Who is sitting on the chair?
·      Is the man sitting on the chair?
·      What is the man doing on the chair?
§  Seven girls make a cake.
·      How many girls make a cake?
·      Who makes a cake?
·      What do seven girls do?
·      What do seven girls make?

b.      Menanyakan subjective complement (A,N,A).
-          Terdapat inversi
-          Pola :
Question word + Verb + Subject …?
                                Kinds of subjective complement
1.       Noun
-        Person : Who
-        Non- person :
·         Name : what
·         Age : how old
·         Job : what

2.       Adverb
-        Adverb of place : where
-        Adverb of time :
o   General : when
o   Spesific : what time

3.       Adjective
-        State (keadaan) : What
-        Character (sifat) : What + Verb + Subject + like?
-        Physical description (fisik) : What + Verb + Subject + Look + Like ?
e.g. :
o   He is my father.
Who is he?
o   She is Thalia/her name is Thalia.
What is her name?
o   I am 17 years old.
How old are you?
o   He is a doctor.
What is he?
o   The cat is on the table.
Where is the cat?
o   It is 8 o’clock.
What time is it?
o   The meeting is tomorrow.
When is the meeting?
o   I’am fine.
How are you?
o   He is kind.
What is he like?
o   He is tall.

What does he look like?
