Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan antar kata, antar frase, antar kata dan frase, antar klausa (clause), dan anata kalimat (sentence).
# Antar kata (word)
        She and I had dinner in cafe last night.

# Antar Frase (phrase)     
        Your sister and his sister are my friends.

# Antar kata (word) dan frase (phrase).
        I and my father will go to Borneo tomorrow.

# Antar klausa (clause)
        She came here after she finished her duty in her house.

# Antar kalimat (sentence)
        Jasmine drinks aglas of milk and Simon drinks a cup of coffe.

Kinds of Conjuction

A. Compound Conjuction.

     Kata hubung yang menghubungkan hal-hal yang setara.

          Noun       + Conjunction   + Noun
          Phrase     + Conjunction   + Phrase
          Clause     +  Conjunction  + Clause

     Kinds of Compound Conjuction

     1. Coordinative Conjuction

         Kata hubung yang terdiri dari 1 kata.

          Member of coordinative conjuction
          - For
          - And
          - Nor
          - But
          - Or
          - Yet
          - So

          NOTE :
               * And, BUt, Or,      : Menghubungkan antara word atau clause.
               * For, Not, Yet, So  : Menghubungkan antara Clause.
               * For, Yet, So         : Penulisannya di dahului koma.

          E.g. :
               1. She is absent, for she is dizzy.
                   Menghubungkan antar clause. Clause 1 : She is absent dan Clause 2 : She is dizzy.
               2. Hendra and Amir are fishing.
                   Menghunbungakan antar pronoun/noun. Karena nama orang termasuk kedalam
                   Pronoun/noun. Hendra dan Amir termasuk kedalam kelas kata Pronoun/noun.
               3. I love you but I love you.
                   Menguhubungkan antar clause.
               4. We can go there on Sunday or saturday.
                   Menghubungkan antar word.
               5. He is clever but naughty.
                   Menghubungkan atar adjective.
               6. He is friendly, so he has many friends.
                   Menghubungkan antar clauseClause 1 : He is friendly dan Clause 2 : he has many 
               7. They don't sleep nor do they eat.
                   Menghubungkan antar clauseClause 1 : They don't sleep dan Clause 2 : do they eat.
                   Pada clause ke-2 terdapat inversion. Apa yang dimaksud dengan inversion..?

     2. Correlative Conjuction.

          Kata hubung yang berpasangan.

          Member of Correlative Conjuction
               - Both ---Sentence1--- and ---Sentence2---
               - Noth only --- Sentence1--- but also ---Sentence2 ---
               - Either ---Sentence1 --- or ----Sentence2---
               - Neither ---Sentence1--- nor ---Sentence2---

          NOTE :
               * Both ---Sentence1--- and ---Sentence2---
                  Selalu bertemu dengan verb plural (verb untuk subject plural).
               * Selain daripada : Both ---Sentence1--- and ---Sentence2---
                  Verb mengikuti subject kedua.

          E.g. :
               1. Not only Sony but also Erik (Climb/Climbs) the tree.
               2. Both Ana and Azzam (play/plays) in the movie.
               3. Either Mr. Amir and I (repair/repaires) the computer.
               4. Neither Andre nor Febby (cut/cuts) the grass.
               5. Either Zamrud or Harun and Rosyid (Meet/Meets) Nana.

B. Complex Conjuction

     Kata hubung yang menghubungkan hal-hal yang tidak setara.

     Member of Complex conjuction
          while, when, ...etc.

     Pola :

          Subject + Verb + Complex Conjuction + Subject + Verb.
                                      Subordinative Conjuction                        
          Main Clause                          Sub Clause

     E.g. :
                She is absent, for she is sick.

               She is absent because she is sick

               Sekilas, kedua kalimat terlihat sama. Dua-duanya benar. Untuk kalimat pertama
               menggunakan compound conjuction berupa for yang di tandai dengan koma sedangkan
               untuk kalimat kedua menggunakan complex conjuction.

Agar tidak bingung coba kunjungi :
Urutan belajar grammar bahasa Inggris dari awal hingga akhir.

1. Book of Planet English 23
2. Top Grammar Book
