Word (The Part of Speech)
"Bagian terkecil dari bahasa yg memiliki makna dan berkelas kata."
Kinds of The Part of Speech
A. Based on its Category/Lexical Meaning(Makna Kamus).
No. | Kelas | Meaning | Code | Example |
1. | Pronoun | Kata Ganti | Pron. | --etc. |
2. | Adjective | Kata Sifat | Adj. | --etc. |
3. | Noun | Kata Benda | n[c],n[u] | --etc. |
4. | Conjuction | Kata Sambung | Conj. | --etc. |
5. | Adverb | Kata Keterangan | Adv. | --etc. |
6. | Verb | Kata Kerja | V. | --etc. |
7. | Interjection | Kata SeruBenda | Interj. | --etc. |
8. | Preposition | Kata Depan | Prep. | --etc. |
B. Based on its Function.
1. Nominal Function
"Kata yang difungsikan sebagai noun."
Position : Subject and/or Object
e.g. :
Shopping* make me happy. (Berbelanja membuat saya senang)
S V O Comp.
*Category : Verb
Function : Noun(Nominal Function)
Hendra* drinks Milk**. (Hendra minum susu)
*Category : Noun
Function : Noun
**Category : Noun
Function : Noun
"Kata yang difungsikan sebagai verb."
Position : Verb
e.g. :
Amir makes*a problem. (Amir membuat sebuah masalah)
*Category : Verb
Function : Verb
Lily mothers*the cat. (Lily merawat kucing itu)
*Category : Noun, Verb
Function : Verb
3. Adjectival Function
"Kata yang difungsikan sebagai Adjective."
Position : Modifier of Noun
e.g. :
A cruel Boy.
M/Adj. H/n
Category : Adjective
Function : Adjective
Book Store.
M/Adj. H/n
Category : Noun
Function : Adjective
The girl loving me goes to United Kingdom.
Category : Verb
Function : Adjective
4. Adverbial Function
"Kata yang difungsikan sebagai Adverb."
Position : Modifier of Adjective,Noun,Adverb, and Sentence.
e.g. :
Very beautifully.
M/adv. H/Adv.
Category : Adverb
Function : Adverb
Sleeping, I go here.
Adv. S V Adv.
*Category : Verb
Function : Adverb
I book* a book** in the book*** store.
*Category : n,V **Category : n, V ***Category : n,V
Function : V Function : n Function : Adjective
1. The Central Core of Sentence. (Inti Pembentuk Kalimat)
Member of The Central Core of Sentence.
a. Noun
b. Pronoun
c. verb
Pola wajib kalimat dalam bahasa inggris : S + V
Untuk posisi Subject bisa di tempati oleh Pronoun/Noun.
e.g. :
Amir meets Lily, He is very happy.
S V O S V Comp.
2. Modifying Word.(Kata Penjelas)
Member of Modifying Word.
a. Adjective modifier of Noun
b. Adverb modifier of verb, adverb, adjective, sentence.
e.g. :
3. Relating Word.(Kata Penghubung)
Member of Relating Word
a. Conjuction : Conj. + S + V
b. Preposition : Prep. + Obj. of Prep.
Antara conjuction dan preposition terkadang sama. Untuk membedakannya jika conjuction
setelahnya ketemu dengan S + V, sedangkan untuk Preposition setelahnya ketemu Obj. of
e.g. :
I come because you come.
S V Conj. S V
I come because of you.
S V Prep. Obj. of prep.
4. Interjection
"Kata yang digunakan untuk meluapkan emosi."
e.g. :
Wow !
Ouch !
Shit !
Preketiew !
Source : Book of Planet English 23
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